Welcome Teachers & Librarians!

My historical novels bring the Cold War to life through the eyes of young people in exciting, fast-paced, mystery stories. They are available through Ingram, major retailers, and direct from the publisher at a discount. Free teacher guides are available, and I can visit your school to speak about creative writing as well as my experiences growing up in embassies around the world. 

I charge nothing for author visits to public schools and libraries! My reward is the opportunity to support public education and connect with young readers. 

Back in the USSR was named a Middle Grade/YA Semifinalist for the BookLife Prize by Publishers Weekly
. It follows Harrison, the daydreaming 14-year-old son of American diplomats, and Prudence, the fearless daughter of foreign correspondents, as they race against spies and mobsters to recover a priceless vinyl record in 1980s Moscow.

Strawberry Fields, follows Josie and Laurent, two journalists sent to Prague in 1968, who must uncover a conspiracy at the heart of the Soviet invasion before the city falls. It is a prequel to Back in the USSR; Josie and Laurent become Prudence’s parents.



Back in the USSR and Strawberry Fields offer unique perspectives on the Cold War, a period of history key to understanding current events. Both books throw light on the power of music and literature to fight oppression and feed the human spirit. They provide historical context for conflicts and censorship happening around the world today. And they highlight themes of friendship, family, and trust that resonate with teens.


Back in the USSR

Back in the USSR Teacher Guide multiple pages

Strawberry Fields 


Invite me to your school or book group! I will talk to young readers about my books, the craft of creative writing, and/or my experiences growing up in U.S. embassies around the world during the Cold War. I recently visited teens at the Czech School of Greater Boston and appeared on the award-winning Cold War Conversations podcast. I am a former reporter, college lecturer, and medical practice manager with a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard. Visits to public schools schools are free of charge. 


Learn More, Read Excerpts, & Buy DirectBack in the USSR | Strawberry Fields 

Contact me if you have any questions! You can also schedule an author visit with me, or request free copies of The Double White Dossier, a companion story to Back in the USSR, for all your readers. 

"A gripping read with a satisfying ending, set during the 1968 Prague Spring and the brutal Soviet crackdown. I’ve never been to Prague but I felt like I was there … Strawberry Fields is an entertaining (and historically informative!) prequel to Back in the USSR. Both books cleverly integrate Beatles’ songs and literary references against a backdrop of Cold War intrigue. I look forward to more books in this series." 
Jennifer Roderick, Content Producer for the Emmy award-winning High School Quiz Show on PBS 


 “Harrison and Pru are in deep. 'Back In The USSR' is a fantastic book that includes all sorts of angles at life under soviet rule. I liked how everyone in this book was different, diverse, and realistic. A well-weaved story.” -Middle schooler

“This was an amazing and very exciting book about friendship and trust! This book was very adventurous and I couldn’t put it down! I would highly recommend!” -Middle schooler 

“I love every single part of this book and it just got me off of my seat and kept me pumped on what was on the next page. The book itself is written so constructively and thoroughly, with the main characters Harrison and Pru, I feel in my opinion they were written so whole-heartedly and in depth with passion. I also love the intertwining of the history of the USSR, Cold War, and The Beatles were put in perfectly with each other inside the book.” -Middle schooler

“I love historical books and mysteries, but I’ve never really read both in one book! This book is more than I can imagine, with twists and turns all keeping me hooked!” -Ten-year-old “advanced reader” 

“My middle school daughter and I read Back in the USSR and both loved it. Rich characters, exciting plot, and unexpected twists. Great read for both young adults and adults, fun to discuss with teens. Highly recommend!” -Parent

The fast pace of the book is perfect for readers of any age and will instantly appeal to the needs of my teens! Manageable chapter lengths allow for the reader to easily transition from one chapter to the next creating a rhythm of their own while naturally building momentum. There is extensive history woven through the fabric of the book at just the right balance. I found myself being informed about the culture and climate during the Soviet era while being left with a desire to dig deeper into several of the topics.” -Teacher & parent

“Patrick Joyce's novel is intriguing, nerdy and a page-turner. My now 12 year-old liked reading it for the historical piece about Cold War Russia and the Beatles trivia, both of which he is actively accumulating for his memory bank …  I loved reading about the life of a diplomat in Russia and can really see where Joyce's own experiences of growing up in that world came through, loud and clear. As a family, this book also sparked some great conversations about geopolitical issues concerning Russia and "the West" in the 1980s that I'm not always sure gets covered in the same way in middle school these days. A wonderful book for young and old alike!” -Parent



Back in the USSR is a YA thriller infused with mystery and tension … Joyce displays masterful control over the narrative, beautifully weaving in a thread connected to the Beatles’ White Album … The prose is clear, sharp, and expertly paced. The story of a diplomat’s son could have taken a very familiar turn, but this novel remains fresh, poised, and multilayered from beginning to end … Character development fluidly blends with a riveting storyline, never disappointing readers. 10 out of 10.”  -The BookLife Prize by Publishers Weekly (Middle Grade/YA Semifinalist 2023) 

“Joyce crafts a nuanced, multilayered setting that brings history to life and vibrates with authenticity. The prose calls forth the freedom dreams of the late 1960s, when political machinations and pop culture often collided in a cacophony of mistrust and passion for change. Joyce heightens the action in this thriller through the novel’s vivid setting, richly drawn characters, and a forceful historical context. Nineteen-year-old Josie, a Canadian citizen living in Prague and desperate to make it as a journalist, is a solid, intriguing lead, and French journalist Laurent holds his own, as the two work together to break a story that has increasingly dangerous repercussions for both of them—and the country as a whole.” -The BookLife Prize by Publishers Weekly on Strawberry Fields 

Back in the USSR is the kind of novel capable of transporting a reader almost bodily to another time and place: in this case, Moscow in winter, in the middle of the Cold War, with Beatles an international phenomenon, banned in the USSR. Joyce’s duo of intrepid young protagonists are vividly painted and irresistible, and his firsthand experience of Moscow and diplomatic corps are evident in the details that animate and enliven this fast-moving novel of international intrigue. Add to this parallel love stories, uncanny visions, and a recurring theme of Beatles songs coming to life, and you have the recipe for a fun, rich, and sophisticated page-turner. A most worthy addition to the pantheon of YA spy novels, echoes of Graham Greene and John Le Carré but with an entirely contemporary sensibility. Highly recommended!” -Tim Weed, award-winning author of the YA historical adventure novel Will Poole’s Island, writing instructor at Grub Street 

I skipped lunch and read till dinnertime. I dove right back into the story after the dishes were washed and read till bedtime. What a pleasure it was to be fully in the thrall of a good story! ... Reading Strawberry Fields not only entertained me, it left me with a heightened empathy for the people who experienced the real-life events that inspired this thrilling adventure. -Lori Alden Holuta, A License to Quill blog

Breathless chases, cryptic clues, a heroine with grit, and a little romance ... A bang-up job of keeping the pages turning and vividly rendering the sights of Prague -Melissa Joulwan, Strong Sense of Place podcast 

“In this fast-paced thriller, the reader happily tags along with the young protagonists as they navigate around the Moscow metro, the city parks, the American embassy, the unnamed and winding streets, and the huge Russian cars—Chaikas—that swallow them up against their will. The premise of the novel is unique, focusing on a quest for the Album, a Beatles recording that seemingly everyone in Moscow, including the mafia, is willing to kill for … Clever plot twists abound, keeping the reader spellbound up to the colorful and dramatic ending in Red Square.” -Laurel Davis Huber, award-winning author of the historical novel The Velveteen Daughter